Vintage Picnic

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

As a hopeless romantic, I've been wanting to have a vintage picnic for a long time and decided to make the most of the sunny weather.

I was in Bristol last weekend visiting my boyfriend and The Downs is the best place for friends and families to have picnics and BBQs. It's a huge grassed open space with plenty of room to spread out and enjoy the summer breeze.

Cloudy lemonade was definitely in our picnic basket as the perfect vintage summer drink.

Addictive homemade jam tarts with a crumbly shortbread pastry, recipe to follow shortly...

Chocolate swiss rolls and homemade strawberry cream cupcakes, the cupcakes were heavenly even if baking them myself gives me this opinion.

Traditional British snacks (a large scotch egg and sausage rolls), tiger bread loaf with cheese and tomato and quiche made up the rest of our yummy picnic. The floral party plates were bought from a Tesco Extra in Bristol and unfortunately they don't seem to have them online.

A lovely and romantic afternoon with another thing crossed off the little dream list!

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